
Raid, Point Value, and Loot Questions from Mantid!
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Author:  Eurhetikz [ Sat Sep 17, 2005 7:44 am ]
Post subject: 

lillith2 wrote:
Eurhetikz wrote:
Wouldn't it be easier if only ONE person needed an item and no one else had any interest, such as the Warlock example, to do the following..

1) Give the Warlock the loot.
2) Exclude that item from the point count, so no one gets or loses any points from the extra item.

This solution would not force players to lose DKP on items NO ONE else wants, AND not screw up the equality of In versus Out, point distribution...

Seems like a win win to me.

KotS tried something like being nice and all and all it lead to was lies and complete manipulation of the system for 'free' loot

aka, a certain druid would pass on all cenarion waiting for the other druids to have it next run and wouldnt call need next run...he would get the loot pretending he didnt want it for free

that system could work and would be ideal if all 40 people raiding are trustable enough to share account info with, but otherwise it'll just be taken advantage of until the guild stops it then the person that used the system for their advantage would /gquit with their free loot and take a ride on other guild's backs say like LW and Pro


Wow. Ok, I thought guildies were honest enough with each other. I never thought of people abusing it in that sense. Thank you everyone for pointing out the flaws in my idea.

I am sorry that happened in Keepers..

Author:  Snovv [ Sat Sep 17, 2005 1:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

We pretty much shamelessly stole ropetowns dkp system when we created our guild. We've made some minor modifications (for example because of on-time attendance points, points in does not quite = points out, which of course results in some inflation) but it's mostly the same system.

On the whole, I think this method of distributing loot is working great. People are encouraged to come to raids and be on time to get dkp to get items, people can choose what items they want for their build, everyone is treated fairly in terms of loot priority (what you get out is what you put in), and there is no arbitrary sycophant-rewarding officer loot decisions that make no sense to people at times.

Author:  Lemmiwinks [ Sat Sep 17, 2005 2:15 pm ]
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The one obvious drawback to a system like this is that there is no way to reward individual effort. Say you're getting close to finally putting down Ragnaros, and one guild member spends 8 hours farming potion mats that allow you to get that one last attempt that kills him. How do you reward that player for the extra effort. BUT...hopefully those are the type of people that you've been recruiting from the start.

P.S. I stole Rope's system. Total cut/paste job.

Author:  flipoit [ Sat Sep 17, 2005 3:26 pm ]
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Author:  Kaya [ Sun Sep 18, 2005 1:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Flip infected archimonde with aids

Author:  Amaira [ Sun Sep 18, 2005 9:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Kaya wrote:
Flip infected archimonde with aids

I've got these really itchy spots....

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