
1.12 POLL!!
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Author:  Rava [ Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Morna wrote:
horde melee will suck in 1.12

Windfury Totem: The weapon enchantment from this totem will now only trigger off normal melee swings. This means abilities such as Sinister Strike, Mortal Strike, and Hamstring will no longer trigger the Windfury Totem.

What the fuck

Author:  Zagzil [ Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Who's excited?

Horde is worse at melee DPS, Caster DPS, and Hunter DPS!

Oh yeah, worse aggro control and less mana!

Author:  flipoit [ Fri Jul 14, 2006 8:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Windfury Totem: The weapon enchantment from this totem will now only trigger off normal melee swings. This means abilities such as Sinister Strike, Mortal Strike, and Hamstring will no longer trigger the Windfury Totem.

Welcome the biggest Horde raid nerf since beta.

Author:  shiv_ [ Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:38 am ]
Post subject: 

Rogues will always dominate damage meters because they don't have to rely on a limited source for doing their attacks (mana) and they also have a complete aggro dump. This is nothing new.

flip0it wrote:
Windfury Totem: The weapon enchantment from this totem will now only trigger off normal melee swings. This means abilities such as Sinister Strike, Mortal Strike, and Hamstring will no longer trigger the Windfury Totem.

Welcome the biggest Horde raid nerf since beta.


Despite all the shit I give you guys everytime you bitch about alliance, I feel for you :( But on the upside at least you're owning content regardless of being on the gimped faction... And in the end, having to get through content at a disadvantage since day one has made you all better players... which may not seem like much but I bet it has certainly made a difference in Naxx, seeing as how you've made nigma look like a bunch of rookies!

P.S. Make sure to move to a server that is on the cross-server pvp list with BL... otherwise you're going to be SOL on shivpubes!

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